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Focus on Sustainability

Believing in safety, sustainability, longevity and community are key to the Futura Resources approach to land management

  • Safety of our people and the environment is our highest priority. We empower our people to ensure that safety is at the forefront of everything we do.

  • Environmental considerations are embedded in our decision-making processes.

  • Sustainable management of the environment through industry best practices and utilisation of experts to survey and monitor project sites.

  • Minimise project footprint by utilising existing infrastructure, not wash plant of tailings facilities on site.

  • Focus on long-term environmental outcomes means progressive rehabilitation of the mine site throughout its life.

  • Rehabilitation standards are set prior to the commencement of mining and are constantly checked and measured.

  • By creating a strong and profitable business we can create economic opportunities and contribute to the Central Highlands economy.

  • The resilience and longevity of our business supports our people, the local community, and the state.

Solar Powered Washplant Facilities

  • Power for the Coal Handling and Processing Plant (CHPP) will be sourced from the Edenvale Solar Park project currently under construction in the Western Downs region of Queensland  This is a 204 MW solar farm and up to 10 MW/hr of solar power is contracted for the efficient running of the Gregory CHPP where Wilton and Fairhill coal will be processed and prepared for market. 

Downloadable Documents 

Public Environment Report (PER)

Mining Lease (ML 700043)


Tel:  +61 7 3149 8225 | +61 2 8316 3992


Level 18, 324 Queen St

Brisbane, QLD 4000

Level 28, 88 Phillip St

Sydney, NSW 2000

 © 2019 Futura Resources Limited. All Rights Reserved I ABN 64 113 707 458

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